I am the Elizabeth Taylor of the feline world.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Justice Served Not Yet

I am furious:


I am a proponent of the Vienna Convention and World Law. And somebody really dropped the ball on this one.

Why wasn't this man informed that as a Mexican national, he had the right to contact the Mexican Consulate? Why didn't someone drive down to the Mexican Consulate and bring an attorney to him, whether he wanted one or not?

This is probably one of the most disturbing murder cases I've run across. Five boys (or young men), as part of a gang initiation, raped, sodomize, and strangled two girls (fourteen and fifteen) in a park in Houston in 1993. Four were sentenced to death. One was a minor and sentenced to forty years. The first execution took place last year.

This young man in question bragged to others about keeping one of the victim's Mickey Mouse watch as a souvenir.

I cannot think of a situation in which the death penalty was more appropriate. We are not talking about a situation in which DNA evidence was questionable, witnesses shady, etc. He confessed. Everyone confessed. There wasn't much point not. The group bragged about it and a relative called the authorities a few days after the fact.

I don't know what the options are at this point.

A new trial?

That's a waste of tax money. Days and days of presentations so that a jury can spend a whopping twenty seconds in a secret ballot vote, determining that this man is the poster child for execution?

Set him free?

Only if he goes back to Mexico and becomes their problem.

I hate this is happening to the families of those girls. They've been through Hell and back again, only for this to happen. Granted, I'm not a big proponent of the death penalty, but this is one of those moments in which it's hard to argue against it. Those families are the true victims in this case.


Reb said...

Does Mexican National translate in this instance to illegal immigrant?

It could well be that they confessed to avoid going back to Mexico? After all, it may be better to be fed and housed in a US prison than be in Mexico.

Of course "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" also applies. If it was for anything other than murder, there would not be such an uproar about their rights not being met. Or maybe it is the death penalty that has brought all the attention.

I agree that the families of these girls should not have to go through this again.

Crabby McSlacker said...

So I can't even let myself read this stuff--too infuriating/depressing. Instead I will just say that I can't wait for your upcoming book reviews! I look forward to a clever cat's perspective on these important works.

Penelope said...


You know, that's a good question and I don't have an answer for it. I asked Karen for her thoughts, though, since she was around in 1993 and I was not:

Legal/ illegal status wasn't that big of an issue at that time, or at least not in the media. It's only been within the last couple of years that my fellow Texans have been acting so ridiculous towards our hard- working guests.

Anyway, I just wish the powers that be could follow the rules. The system is set up a certain way for a reason.

-- P

Penelope said...


I've missed you so.

I'm working on finishing the first book on the list (I am America). Look for a review next week.

-- P